  •  pmb
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
The ETE stays at --:--:--, despite I have a flight plan loaded and properly displayed. If memory serves me right, I have an ETE seen displayed once, but never since.

Kind regards, Michael
Originally Posted by: pmb 

I have an ETE seen displayed once,but never since.

Flight plan is loaded when a .pln file is loaded in the simulator or departure and arrival airports are selected in the simulator main menu.

SkyElite has to be started before the flight plan is loaded and the flight is started in order to correctly receive the flight plan data.

Flight plans directly entered in the aircraft FMC or GPS device are not loaded in current version due Microsoft SimConnect interface limitations.

The ETE of the next waypoint is displayed from a simulator variable.

Please, try again or send me the .pln file so I can test in my side.

I forgot, ETE is not displayed stopped on ground.
  •  pmb
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
No, it's been missing all flight in the air. I'll try again later.

Thanks for the reply, Michael
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