4 years ago
Beim Aufrufen kann ich nur den Vollbildschirm aktivieren. Auf einem zweiten Monitor zeigt er mir nur den MFD, möchte aber auch den MAP angezeigt bekommen.
Gibt es eine Lösung?
Gruß aus Bonn Andreas
4 years ago
Der MAP-Modus ist das MFD. Wenn Du auf einem Bildschirm das PFD und auf dem anderen den MAP siehst, ist das in Ordnung.

The MAP-Mode is the MFD. If you see the PFD on one screen and MAP on the other one, it's all okay.

Viele Grüße, Michael

4 years ago
Thank you Michael.
4 years ago
Schon klar, nur ich möchte beide nebeneinander auf einen separaten Monitor schieben. Und das klappt nicht.
Grüße aus Bonn
4 years ago

To do that in a single monitor you will have to open two browsers in the same screen, the problem will be to make both full screen, but this is not a SkyElite issue but a Windows issue.

But opening two browsers you should be able to have one in PFD, one in MAP.

Better if you don't use the same browser type, so use chrome for PFD and firefox for MAP... that way performance is better.
4 years ago
I had this done once as well, both on one monitor in two Chrome browsers, but the browser frames are a bit disturbing. Not sure if there's a way to remove/minimize them. I choose to display one on a connected external monitor and one on the integrated one now, both using the SkyElite browser, which looks much better.

But for those with only one screen available, a means to display both in one Fullscreen SkyElite browser might be a good solution, even more if they have a widescreen monitor.

Kind regards, Michael
4 years ago
There are already several extensions to do that, this is just an example: 
4 years ago
Danke für die schnelle Reaktion 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
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