It would be great if we could update the db ourselves, like LittleNavMap lets you update it's scenery lib from MSFS and community folder so it reflects what the sim is.
I thought several times about this, and the real problem is licensing. I know many software can update data directly from the sim and stay up to date... but the fact that many people do this does not mean that it is legal. They are just lucky no one is taking actions... so far.
According to the sim policy, and this is not very clear, it is not permitted to load, import or use data from the sim at all, and special mention to commercial EXTERNAL apps. In-sim software, is different....
As an example: many people also asked me why I don't make SkyElite exactly as Garmin G1000 is, a replica, since there are other developers doing this. Simple, I contacted Garmin and they say I cannot do it, is not legal. Of course, I imagined that answer even before sending the question. But if a G1000 is developed internally, in-sim, means that it shows inside the plane cockpit.... then is legal.... there is a huge difference between developing external apps or in-sim tools.
And Garmin knows there are many products in the market without the permission of Garmin, not meeting the licensing. I simply don't want to be there if some day they start cleaning the room.
Going back to the matter, Same thing here, I developed and external app and I'm still trying to find a legal way to import the sim data, I will do this when I find the way.
LittleNavMap is free and open source, which has a total different approach related to the licensing... and still... not very clear.