PC logged on as administrator. No other users access the computer.
Time & date synced to avoid issues
Antivirus 'Stopzilla' protection turned off.
Apparently .... "The actual SimConnect server is part of the MSFS executable; any SimConnect client can connect to the simulator locally or over the network (as long as your firewall allows it) without any additional installations."
So, Firewalls Private & Public are turned OFF
SkyElite_Install_MFS2020.exe run as administrator
Installed to ... C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020
Read only attributes from above folder removed.
MSFS started.
http://---.---.-.---:7667 Not sure that simconnect is working but Navigraph Simink Status indicates it is
FSUIPC is running just in case it is needed in the process.
SkyElite.exe run as administrator.
Window opens for a few seconds giving the option to open in various browsers.
http://localhost:7667/ opens in Edge 'Hmmm... can't reach this page'
'SkyElite Server nor running! SkyElite will be closed' opens multiple windows until I click OK.
'Error stopping SkyElite: Cannot process request because the process has exited.' window opens until I click OK, then it closes.
Log.txt ...
2024/09/21 11:19:43:3136 [INFO]: OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.22631
2024/09/21 11:19:43:3454 [INFO]: SkyElite for MSFS 1.3
2024/09/21 11:19:43:3611 [INFO]: InitConfig() started
2024/09/21 11:19:43:3766 [INFO]: Startup working directory: C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020\Server
2024/09/21 11:19:43:3919 [INFO]: Startup assembly location: C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020\Server
2024/09/21 11:19:43:4079 [INFO]: Working directory set to: C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020\Server
2024/09/21 11:19:43:4234 [INFO]: root flag: True
2024/09/21 11:19:43:4391 [INFO]: InitConfig() ConfigurationBuilder started
2024/09/21 11:19:43:4552 [INFO]: Finding database from: C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020\Server
2024/09/21 11:19:43:4712 [INFO]: Database found at: C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020\Data\skyelite.db
2024/09/21 11:19:44:6791 [INFO]: DATABASE VERSION: 4
2024/09/21 11:19:44:6946 [INFO]: Checking database updates
2024/09/21 11:19:44:7107 [INFO]: Database is up to date
2024/09/21 11:19:44:7261 [INFO]: INSTALLATIONID 839B3DA96AF8426293F12A61E891AA62
2024/09/21 11:19:44:7413 [INFO]: LICENSE TYPE: DEMO VERSION
2024/09/21 11:19:44:9596 [INFO]: SkyElitePads not started, midi devices not found.
2024/09/21 11:19:44:9748 [INFO]: SkyElitePads midi devices not found.
2024/09/21 11:19:44:9906 [INFO]: Checking presets
2024/09/21 11:19:45:0063 [INFO]: music.data preset skipped.
2024/09/21 11:19:45:0217 [INFO]: maps.data preset skipped.
2024/09/21 11:19:45:0386 [INFO]: Presets done.
2024/09/21 11:19:45:0537 [INFO]: GetMaps initialization
2024/09/21 11:19:45:0697 [INFO]: GetJsonDataFromFile loading from: C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020\Data\maps.data
2024/09/21 11:19:45:0850 [INFO]: GetMaps initialization
2024/09/21 11:19:45:1011 [INFO]: GetJsonDataFromFile loading from: C:\Program Files\SkyElite for MFS2020\Data\profiles\profiles.data
2024/09/21 11:19:45:1165 [INFO]: Listening on URL http://*:7667
2024/09/21 11:19:45:1321 [INFO]: SkyConnector created
2024/09/21 11:19:45:1446 [ERROR]: [GLOBAL Exception]: The type initializer for 'SkyConnect.staticSkyInterface' threw an exception.
2024/09/21 11:19:45:1638 [ERROR]: [GLOBAL StackTrace]: at SkyEliteServer.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\MSFS2020-Developer\SkyElite\SkyEliteServer.Core31\SkyEliteServer\Program.cs:line 110
2024/09/21 11:19:45:1792 [ERROR]: [GLOBAL InnerException]: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).
2024/09/21 11:19:45:1950 [ERROR]: [GLOBAL InnerException StackTrace]: at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean wrapExceptions, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& hasNoDefaultCtor)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtorSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean wrapExceptions, Boolean fillCache)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, Boolean wrapExceptions)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic, Boolean wrapExceptions)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)
at SkyMediaPlayer.SkyPlayer..ctor() in D:\MSFS2020-Developer\SkyElite\SkyMediaPlayer\SkyMediaPlayer\SkyMediaPlayer\SkyMediaPlayer.cs:line 13
at SkyConnect.staticSkyInterface..cctor() in D:\MSFS2020-Developer\SkyElite\SkyEliteServer.Core31\SkyEliteServer\SkyConnect\SkyInterface.cs:line 37