  •  pmb
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter

I installed the demo according to the manual, including the .net runtime. Got the icon on desktop. I didn't yet opt to the automatic start.

I Started MSFS, waited until I am on ramp and tried to start SkyElite. I choose several browsers, beginning with Chrome as suggested, but there is always "connection refused" in the browser plus a multitude of SkyElite instances being started reporting "SkyElite Server not Running. SkyElite will be closed".

This is on the local machine. The networked machine (using the IP of the main machine) doesn't work as well, although I agreed to the firewall popup at installation (I think, or at first start). I am using Win 10 defender, no external security program.

Thanks for any hint, Michael
  •  pmb
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Got it working after reinstallation. Presumably, the first start after installation was already counted as the one demo-allowed start and no further starts were allowed within the demo, as I learned here in the forum (but not in the docs). Works now on the main machine as well as on the networked client.

The application itself is great and I am going to buy it.

This one-time-10-min allowance is annoying and irritating, if I may add this. The 10 min limit is okay for testing, but there should be at least a certain number of restarts allowed, if this limitation is required at all.

Kind regards, Michael
Originally Posted by: pmb 

Got it working after reinstallation. Presumably, the first start after installation was already counted as the one demo-allowed start and no further starts were allowed within the demo, as I learned here in the forum (but not in the docs). Works now on the main machine as well as on the networked client.

The application itself is great and I am going to buy it.

This one-time-10-min allowance is annoying and irritating, if I may add this. The 10 min limit is okay for testing, but there should be at least a certain number of restarts allowed, if this limitation is required at all.

Kind regards, Michael

Yes you are correct, after each 10 minutes DEMO SkyElite has to be reinstalled.

I understand that the 10 minutes DEMO could be annoying, I will think about this. But you can't imagine the amount of people that really do tricks to crack the DEMO software and use it illegally.

Its so difficult to find the balance between protecting myself and give evaluation tools to the users. Sorry about that, but hope you will enjoy SkyElite.

Thank you.
  •  pmb
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter

thank you for thinking about that trial procedure. I bought it in the mean time and like it. Given my networked setup, it's something I have been waiting for for some time now.

Kind regards, Michael