
I tried to request a SkyElite licence but all I got was the notification "This activation exceeds the maximum allowed activations, please contact support". Is there any way I can reset the activations or activate SkyElite somehow else? I purchased the license at

Best regards

Stefan Vico
Hi, Just sent an email to the support email providing your serial number and we will reset it, not a problem.

I’m brand new here so forgive me if this is the wrong place.
I’m having problems getting the Demo to work.. Here is what happens on each device when SkyElite_Install_MFS2020.bin (installer for Window, version 1.3) is installed
Android: “Open with” “None of your apps open this file”
iPhone: Opens to a nearly blank page says:
129 MB”
iPad: Never finishes downloading
The PC that actually plays MSFS states “Another Instance of SkyElite is running. This one will close.”
Thank you for your help. I’m really looking forward to using your product.
Beaumont, California
Originally Posted by: Bob 

The PC that actually plays MSFS states “Another Instance of SkyElite is running. This one will close.”

Hello, you don't have to install SkyElite in your iPad or tablet, just in your main windows computer. As per your message quoted above I see is already installed and running.

Once SkyElite is installed in your main windows computer, it runs on background, as a service. No windows are shown except a message on startup that indicates to open the browser.

Please, read SkyElite Installation Manual.pdf, it is explained in page #4.

To access SkyElite from your iPad or tablet just use the Internet browser on that device, nothing has to be installed on external devices, this is also explained in same manual.

It is important to read full documentation before starting.

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